The doctors had left ten minutes ago, leaving Lena alone with her empty thoughts. Can you come see me, please?. So, why are you here?, Well, after what happened today I think that you should go dark. Ill sell you the building. When she killed the three soldiers that caught them stealing, burning holes through their hearts, each one of them froze in horror. Oh, hey, Nia soothes, wrapping long arms around Alex. You can count on it. She hears him chuckle on the other end. Her casket was driven through the city, ending at the large stone statue of her on the coast, where she would be sealed in a special crypt. Hes working with Leviathan., We highly suspected, Kara corrects. We just received a video from her, but it was deleted as soon as it broadcasted. Her serum swishes inside, the crystal blue shining within the vial. Supergirl doesnt kill! Alex shouts after her. Theyre not going to hurt you., Karas eyes grow wide and she pushes against her sister. She was at CatCo, and when her phone rang with an unknown caller ID, she excused herself to the balcony. I mean, this was his chance to show how powerful he was, you know? I never expected you to lie to me. Jonn, Nia, and Mgann arrive at the Tower shortly after the broadcast. There doesnt seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel. Alex puts her arm around her shoulders, hugging her. and the shenanigans that lead to its first use. Their old headquarters had gathered dust from the time the heroes had been away. And that promise will remain unbroken. A Kara. Cant that be done with Kryptonite? Im your best friend, and you had no idea who I was. And you cant do anything about it., Kate smiles, watching as Kara steps out onto the balcony. Or Leviathan, Jonn says, watching Alex open the package. A few files with documents she has no idea how to read, gum, lipstick, wallet, and phone. I dont know. Lifeless. She would be an asset with her skills, and having someone on the inside would be critical to get a leg up on Lex. Just her face at first, nose scrunching and crinkle arising. Does she tell her what happened between them? Jonn and Nia were called in, and they follow beside the gurney as their family member is rushed inside. Are you doing alright? But only one floats through everyones mind. She had done it. Hey, if its worth anything to you, I dont think youre an asshole. Thank you all for coming so quickly. I know, she says. It seems you do good things for the city and its people, Kara says nicely. We cant transfer the red sun-, Trust me, Alex. He holds it up for her to see. I would do anything to protect you, even if it hurts you. Immediately he feels his body weaken. Sadly, it wasnt long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the uneventful little dirt-ball known as Earth. Tracker quit responding and she was off the grid. Ive given you a second chance at becoming a hero, just as I have been given on at life., We get second chances, Lex. Yeah, that gives me a lot of hope.. Shes not surprised when the ceiling turns on and dispenses another round of bone chilling water. After a while, the side of her face had healed. . He doesnt fully, just leans over with his hands on his knees as he sucks in deep breaths. Or, A mess of a story where Alex Danvers was Lexie Grey and how you can't keep a living corpse a secret forever. You dont think so? Theres a brief silence, just the whooshing sound, then her voice returns. It sounds like shes stuck in a wind turbine. In secret, they also let them know that when they felt ready, the heroes would be prepared for whatever plan they came up with to rid Lex of his position. She really doesnt remember anything., That wasnt Kara in there. Will Nia be able to come to terms with who she is and who she likes? So she stays sitting, watching sadly as this nice woman stumbles out of the room gasping for breath. To avert a disaster, Kara Danvers reveals her powers and true identity: She is Superman's cousin, now known as Supergirl, protector of National City. In the end, Alex and Lena slipped away once Kara was situated on the couch in front of her TV, a lineup of musicals in her queue. It works too quickly. On the other hand, if we go in and save her we could get killed and there would be no one to stop them. Alex grasped her sisters hand and wore a mask of stone, staring at her face willing her to open her eyes. Good. The balcony door opens and she turns toward it, amazed to see a perfectly polished hero standing in her office. They traced her tracker to where she was abandoned. They walk up to it together, and Mon-El stands to the side. Are you going to ask me if I remember something?, His face crunches. Hes draining her. How to start. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). It had been several hours before the DEO doctors allowed the hero visitors. Forgive?, She pretended to be my best friend and lied to my face. He manuevers the blade along the seams, slicing and ripping the stitches as he works his way down her body. Ill get you a glass. Alex obeys as Kara reaches for her wine rack. No excuses, no reasons, no opinions. Hearing Karas voice, how broken she was, the wounds on her face, it had taken too much out of him. Alex lets herself smile, kissing her girlfriend before bringing her back into the team to tell them the plan. She cries, beginning to sweat in the hot room, blaming herself for not coming to get her sooner. It might take a few days so I agree with Alex for you to lay low until I finish it.. Could it be Cadmus, back from the dead and reborn by some new overtaker? The cold and leaking tunnels they travel through are familiar to her, and it is when she sees a spray of bullet leisions against the wet concrete she recognizes where she is. Tell me, has your team tried to stop you yet? She is an old friend, Alex, Kara answers slowly, unsure of her sisters hostility. Her skin had begun to glow a brilliant red along with its green veins, and the pain was unbearable. Youve noticed, Im sure. A bald man with a brown beard and cold eyes. Theres no proof, no motive. Slowly, Alex turns to Nia. A face dangles over her head. Yes, you are. But I spoke with Lex briefly over the phone to discuss the arrangements and he said she was so badly injured it would be best if it were closed., I just dont know why he didnt attend, Lena adds. The heat cuts off in the room, and Kara waits patiently for whatever method of pain comes next. Like someone cut it off her., Brainy nods thoughtfully, hands hovering over the burned hole in the abdomen. It needs to be me. No heart pumps in her chest. It was a constant pink, save for the times the water was cold and she spent the time blue and frozen. Aside from that, the only serious injury she obtained was the abdominal incision, which was then cauterized. Brainy looks up at her. She hasnt moved in over an hour, and they didnt know whether to find comfort in that fact or not. Because hes Lex Luthor. Im sorry, excuse me, she breathes, slipping out of the room in a gasp. A lifeless corpse with sand half burying her. George O'Malley. Alex stands over him, watching. Ive come to do a little digging. She had thought she would be a hero if she accomplished it. When it first happened, Kara had tried to fly around the city and help as much as she could. I know how to stop them!. I didnt see you come up.. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. But back then were trying to be seen. Its up to them to decide what theyd rather give you. says her name is Lena Luthor. I came as soon as I could get away from work., Were managing, but havent gotten anywhere. Alex rushes after her calling her name. He shows them the tablet. It was hard for her to see Alex like this. We cant track him because he knows how to avoid us, and nothing came back from L-Corp. Our best chance is to go out into the field for a scavenger hunt. Her nose is crooked and black, both nostrils spilling crimson. Im here.. He slips out the door before she can ask anymore questions. The Smallville High School Football and Cheerleading AU story that nobody asked for but I felt compelled to write! She turns to her sister. Where are we going undercover? Jonn asks. He wanted us to know it was him, Alex breathes. I know I shouldve asked first-, No, no. Okay, what do you got? Handling everything?, Ive been better. We dont kill! Steam rises around the streams of pressure, boiling water spilling from the sky. She never meant for this to happenshe actually admires Supergirl a great deal. It was over. Kara screams, covering her exposed face so she isnt burned by the force. If Karas a little bothered from being hidden for so long, whats the harm? Lex. The force of it beat her into the tile, and she cried out as it raked over her body. She had halted the whole scene and told Supergirl what she wanted. Kara finally looks at her, confused. Eliza. But that was before you killed civilians in your attempt to arrest me. Her question shocks the room. What are you planning?, The same as any other villain, I suppose. Just kidding., He stares at her, more confused. She wasnt going to kill again. It hurts him so much. He stops next to her, fear washing over him. Im alone. Alex sighs into her, squeezing her back. She would not be buried in a cemetary. Wow., I know, Alex agrees. What? How can you prove it? Alex asks, crossing her arms. He had stolen the army for his own and used all the weapons the DEO had created for his personal use. In a driving motion, he slices down. She had never seen her so terrified. They were alone. She watches helplessly as her blue creation disappears from the vial and injects into her, giving a warm rush to her head. The walls are a porcelain white, the ceiling fixated with too bright of lights and a strange texture of neatly aligned spherical rows. They got the biggest booth, crammed in and ordered drinks and every appetizer off the menu in her memory. Rama Khan stands mightily, staff raised above him as a cloud of earth swirls. Plus, theres nothing wrong with wanting, because want doesnt mean it will come true. Alex immediately begins shooting beams of electricty from her gun, stunning them into unconsiousness. Someone called Brainy. No one speaks as Alex holds it out in front of her, the tattered fabric floating in front of them. We do, Ms. Luthor. She isnt a necessity anymore., Maybe. But hopefully he can help with it.. Hes cut her suit. Id like to buy it from you. Because I really dont feel like giving one., Kate raises an eyebrow. And although she knows it is, if she just removed the glasses and let the hair run wild, the picture on the phone would match her perfectly, she also knows that this is not her. She had shaken her head sadly, knowing she let him down. If not for me you would have never gone into hiding. And Im going to make sure theres no way for him to rise from the dead. He wiped your entire lab clean of any documents you recorded data on, so theres no evidence.. The lamps above your bed were red to limit your abilities. I I dont even know if I should bother staying here., Where would you go? Her face suddenly becomes skewed and she leans forward, concerned. How is Alex doing?, Shes immersed herself in searching for Leviathan. He didnt feel bad about not attending Karas funeral. The Return By: LMXB. You are good. Okay, alright. Something is terribly wrong.. Luke will start your paperwork. She rolls to a stop twenty feet away, taking a pained breath in and releasing no breath out. It was because it happened around the time that Alex came out and her childhood insecurities of being second best to Kara come through and she accuses Kara . Youve been nothing but kind-, You dont know me, Lena. The moment her tracker came back online we went out there, found her in the desert past the city borders. They share their hugs, and not long after does Jonn show up. Become best friends again. Brainy stands at the foot of the bed, a few steps away. One was a small boy. This wasnt how their reunion was supposed to go. Let her answer. She had moved back to Seattle to continue her pervious career as a doctor. The rush of the water hitting her body and hitting the tile seizes, her ears ringing from the sound. We need to steal as many weapons as we can carry, try and disarm them best we can. Kara can feel the power radiating off them, the strength they possess. You told me youd hear my side and then sell me the building. I have no idea what to do with you. The door closes behind Lena as she enters. My own step-sister didnt know! No, it wasnt. Mostly its an apology for everything that has led up to this moment. I look forward to reading it., Kara smiles shyly, pushing up her glasses. Bad. Karas fists clench, not wanting him to read her so easily. Nothing new has come through.. A steaming cup of coffee on her desk as he reclines in her chair. She plunges her fists into chests, tearing out hearts that give their last beat in her hands. Trust her., Kate grinds her teeth, removing her arm from Alexs grasp. Just why bother now? It was for experiments, testing the alien body to see how far it could be pushed before giving out. They talk about a game night, booze, lunches. She pictures herself with Mon-El and her father, half-carrying her alien as he hobbles along on his wounded leg, her father barking orders at her and urging her to leave him behind. There is a lulling ache that washes over her body, and it takes her a moment to locate a brick of Kryptonite planted beneath her chair. He breathes into her again and after he sits back on his heels, giving her body a rest from his compressions. They need to hear from me.. The answer is simple. Blood covers her face and red tears run down from her damaged eye. The team has settled on staying out of the spotlight and sticking to their human identities since then. She kicks him, fights, beats, and bashes but its no use. She pulls out the needle Lena gave her before she went, a heavy sedative. A camera on a tripod sits in front of her, trained on her face. From what we know so far, she should be alive.. A friendly bat slips away from the tense room, following the blue-caped hero to the balcony. Alex doesnt know what to say. Besides, its Rama Khan. The holes in the ceiling turned into a system of water, hundreds of pounds of pressure behind the little faucets. Kara told me about her. No. Many wore black, others wore blue or red. Clark and Lois had managed to stop by after acquiring a short-notice sitter for the boys. She focuses, straightening it out to create an image of the bottom of a table, a couch, slick leather shoes. The ceiling turns on again, but instead of the chilling water as before, its a scalding rain. Her team watches in horror. For the first few years, Alex was more than content to be home with her wife and adopted daughter. I think Im done trying with her.. But Cadmus always proved her wrong when she thought it, and the way this room is designed was not for the good guys. Shes the best chance we got at taking down Leviathan, which was probably their motive to capture her.. Just testing you. But right now, we need to think of a plan to get into Cadmus without being detected, Jonn says. Jonn and Nia sit on the bed adjacent to Karas, watching helplessly as she stares at a tablet screen. Please, remember English is not my first language. Thats your motto! Nia reminds. I was in the city and decided to stop by. Her skin burns and veins ache, and she looks up as Rama Khan marches over to her. Alright. Shes too discombobulated to go after him. I must ask, was it Alex, Jonn, or Nia that killed three of my men? Its a pleasure to meet you. Obviously. Scalding pressure forces her into the tile, laying on her stomach as she is pelted with the streams. Could be pushed before giving out arrest me, the strength they possess and! Run down from her damaged eye you going to hurt you., Karas eyes grow wide and she toward! Jonn and Nia sit on the bed adjacent to Karas, watching Alex open the package tile, laying her... 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