Through each house and each sign that Saturn travels through, it will tamp things down or introduce a period of challenges and problems that can slow progress or drive up the stakes. With their energy directed towards making a name for themselves, Saturn in the 10th House individuals take things too seriously, especially when it comes to their careers. The native makes efforts to get honour in government and society. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. I have explained through various example charts how to use the advanced astrological tools for accurate predictions. Saturn in the 10th House in Capricorn A 10th house Saturn is a placement that engenders a strong work ethic and drive for success in whatever career that is chosen. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you accept or reject authority in your life. Slowly but surely, joint property with a spouse is built. They like writing and may choose it as a career. Bhrigu Samhita : How it gives accurate life prediction? He follows religious traditions. Jetta Moon is an artist, writer and astrology blogger with a passion for creativity and psychology. There is also a penchant for being scientific and technical about their expertise. However, with challenging aspects, you also perceived this parent as cold and emotionally unavailable. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant loses family pleasures. Such a person could likely do well in high ranking military positions, law enforcement, or executive management. His domestic life is also painful. Its ambitious influence manifests more intensely here because it is the natural ruler of this cusp. You become well-known, but you have to learn how to deal with this, it doesnt come naturally to you. Flight engineers and mining engineers can also be seen. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Saturn in the 10th House in Cancer Saturn in house 10 in Cancer is a placement that engenders a penchant for tough love. However, Saturn brings with it also a number of not so helpful qualities that can make things challenging within the realm of career. In fact, it may be stressful. When Saturn is situated in the tenth house in the Kundali of Leo Ascendant, then it should strictly follow the legal rules and taxes. As a result, these people have the potential to be helpful to others. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant is industrious and eloquent in speech. The native is pleased with his educated wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. Appreciation and admiration for yourself will lead to others feeling the same about you. They are also dependable, hardworking, focused, and resilient. The placement of Saturn in the Tenth House also gives these people a strong sense of social responsibility. It is in sign taurus ruled by venus . Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If Saturn receives challenging aspects in your natal chart, you can be arrogant and insensitive. This placement can foster a very shrewd and perceptive leader. Keywords: The keywords associated with the 10th house are work, career, parents, authority, government, leadership, fame, notoriety, legacy, and public life. They also have the capacity and potential to do well as entrepreneurs who can build a thriving business from the ground up. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is industrious and careful. This job provides esoteric wisdom at a late stage in life. They are generally willing to pay such prices and even sacrifice much in order to attain the success they desire. They give you an idea about which profession would suit you the best, but also what experiences are waiting for you in this life area. With its beautiful rings, Saturn is a planet that stands out from the rest. The native gains sufficient wealth through his enemies from foreign countries. At the same time, they may sometimes exhibit something of a Napoleon-complex and overreach in their bid for power and influence. Saturn in 1st house, Mars in 6th house also helps for riches. Here you can quickly create a simple chart drawing with Ascendant, or a complex chart drawing according to your wishes. Careers in the law, and administration are likely to be well suited for them. The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant spends much for family and gains from foreign sources. Life will humble them if their ego gets too big or they try to control more than they should. Their fatherly instinct also manifests at work, where they instinctively guide and help their co-workers. The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is intelligent but lacks higher education. Think of it as the perfect cosmic recipe for success. They have a lengthy lifespan. What cancer sign on different houses mean? There are also people who are working as an automobile engineer in various auto companies such as Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, Tata Motors, TVS Motor, Bajaj Auto, Ashok Leyland, etc and they are usually seen from this placement. The native gains sufficient wealth through his enemies from foreign countries. Native people don't have secure careers. Saturn in 3rd House Saturn is lord of Aquarius sign as well as of Capricorn sign. The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is satisfied with his brothers and sisters. Ask any Taurus Lagna, how is the luck factor in life. This in part because of their stubbornness and insistence on having their own way. Also, there are people working for telecommunication companies to resolve internet connection problems and they can also be seen from this placement. Expect life to speed up quite a . Leo in 10th House Astrology. The 10th house is allowing you to better understand the dynamics of power and control. This placement may compel individuals to acquire power and influence of their own and to be in the captains chair of whatever enterprise they are a part of. The simple answer will be that they had hard luck unless a natural benefic planet was placed in 9th house. In other cases, you become an influential person in an existing organization or corporation. How kids success is dependant on their parents character in Vedic Astrology? Taking on the responsibility of the world and often putting the needs of others before their own comes second nature to these folks. Living the Tenth House Saturn experience is one of formalizing a body of knowledge that can then be lived day to day. You could also work in some private companies in their financial department as Venus also represents the finances. In this life area, success tends to come later in life, usually after your Saturn return. They have a one-track mind that does not falter for any reason whatsoever until they get to where they want to be. People like doctors, lawyers, and police officers can also be seen from this placement and their profession could be in a foreign country. They are the reliable type who keep their word and always live up to the expectations of others. There are many businesses where computer graphic work is being carried out and those all can be seen from this placement. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy astrology! During this Saturn transit, there will be growth in the area of the career and general standing in the world. When in a favorable placement in the birth chart, it indicates one is likely to rise to the highest level of whatever chosen career path. You go to the roots when you look through a microscope and the sign of Pisces is also about going to the roots. Their attention to detail is likely an asset in whatever career they choose. The tenth house is traditionally connected with the sign Capricorn. He will have respect also. Slowly but steadily, occult-related knowledge will reach them. Saturn rules hierarchy, structure, organizations in astrology, and you find these things important in your professional life. If you have your natal Saturn in the tenth house, you are often a control freak. For entertainment purposes only The native does not believe in religion and rarely participates in religious activities. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant is not attractive in appearance. Leo Ascendants tend to be successful in fields that require creativity and charisma, such as the arts, politics, and business. Your relationship with your parents lays the foundation for your relationship with everyone else: your partner, children, friends, employer, coworkers. However, its energy is all about limitations, restrictions, and maturity. Such people are all the time busy in scientific laboratories and doing research and testings. Careers with an element of travel or exposure to different cultures will likely appeal as well. The Sun in Leo in the 1st house indicates that the native is fearless and courageous. A person's expenses may be more. It encompasses our ambitious aim and goal in life and what we are working hard to attain in life on a material level. They have strong work ethics and a good business acumen. Saturn in the 10th House in Aries A 10th house saturn in the sign of Aries will manifest an individual who is motivated and shows courage but also a capacity for taking well calculated risks. Saturn will be exalted for Pisces Ascendant, which will alleviate some of Saturn's restricting effects. Featuring the angular mode of expression, the 10th House is all about action. Lastly, Saturn in 10th House natives need to be careful not to fall into the trap of all work no play by loosening up and enjoying life more. They are comfortable wielding power and control and generally exercise it with fairness and responsibility. Transformation is never abrupt here. Saturn here makes you grounded and focused on stability when it comes to your professional life. They influence you to a greater extent. The native is courageous and laborious. Do you know 6th house lord period may give difficult times in life? "It's typically the space where we are connected to our highest aspirations, our highest. There are also people doing research all the time using a microscope in the medical or healthcare field and they can also be seen from this placement. For a Leo ascendant, Saturn rules the 6th house and the 7th house and it will fall in the sign of Sagittarius when placed in the 5th house. People with this placement can often come up with interesting and clever business ideas or solve professional problems with creative solutions. Saturn here can indicate someone who is a business owner, and because of its slow but steady approach, their business is often very successful. Table of Contents 1 Benefits Of Sasa Yoga 2 Some Important Points On Sasa Yoga 3 Example Horoscope With Sasa Yoga In Them 4 Conclusion On Sasa Yoga 5 If you see Sasa Yoga in a Horoscope follow these steps before declaring results on it. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant feels frustrated. The native with Saturn in 12th House for Leo Ascendant spends much money on treating diseases and gets loss in finance. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant works hard to succeed in the house of income. Such a person may possess an unrelenting persistence and an inherent understanding of what it takes to get to where they want to be. Such a native is most selfish. Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. Leo is a fire sign, associated with warmth, creativity, and enthusiasm. With patience and self-love you will have better acceptance of your creative life journey. This area of the chart is symbolic of the authorities in your life; parents, bosses, and leaders. The Saturn transit 2023 will be good for you for doing new things and starting your career. Without it, however, the world would probably descend into chaos. As the sign of the 8th house lord, Capricorn, with Saturn in the 8th house for Gemini Ascendants, suggests someone who will live a long life. There are also people who are writing blogs and making youtube videos over the internet and this placement is also meant for them. If you need free consultation contact me through this site. People doing cruises and expeditions such as mountaineering, hiking, trekking, etc are also seen from this placement. You often feel that you get little to no recognition for all the hard work you do, especially when young. Why Rahu is good and bad both in Vedic Astrology and what it represents? The 10th House also has heavy links to authority, especially of the father-figure kind. As the sign of the 10th house lord, Capricorn, with Saturn in the 8th house for Aries Ascendants, predicts someone who will live a long life. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. You had to grow up ahead of time, and this placement suggests a disciplinarian upbringing. Learning how to take a break and relax can be good for these people. The ringed planet is at home in this placement. The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant influences and wins over them. Individuals who have Saturn in the 10th house may also have had challenging relations with the father or authority figures who interfered or obstructed the development and expression of their own sense of authority and self-agency. Those with this planet and house placement have big dreams for the future. What Aries sign on different houses mean in Vedic Astrology? They could alter their occupation on a frequent basis. The native is fortunate, religious and influential and lives long. Saturn is also connected with karma, especially negative karma that comes back to bite us when weve made stupid or foolish decisions. The native has no faith in God and does not care for religion. Saturn in 6th House When Rahu is most negative in a birth chart? Unlike its fellow giant planet Jupiter which expands, Saturn constricts. Such people often work in large companies as financial advisors. The native works hard to increase his wealth using secret methods and tricks. Learn what significant aspects will affect you and how to make the most of them. In astrology, Saturn rules: responsibility The native respects his father and gets his support but faces hindrances in getting success and progress in his occupation/profession. The true character then, of a hard-won sense of authority, is an impressive mantle. Furthermore, any mining-related activity is beneficial to them. They need a career that challenges and stimulates them and they have the capacity to cultivate impressive skill and proficiency in whatever they do. Saturn in 11th House They may be perfectionists in their career who push themselves to the brink of exhaustion. Joint assets with your spouse will eventually improve as well. But looking at the placement of Sun and Mercury is also important as they can alter the results as mentioned here for this placement. They may have a singularity of mindset that keeps oriented on the path to what they desire, and among the things they desire are respect and prestige. Such a person would likely do well as a school teacher, salesperson or public speaker. People who are not particularly driven to rise up the ranks or attain status and influence are bound to have a weaker or afflicted 10th house. The correct calculation of a horoscope is the necessary basis for good astrology. Moreover, they tend to exude an aura of seriousness and competence that others cant help but respect. The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant influences enemies and gets the advantage of court cases. This person has creative ideas and special sense for what will resonate with other people. Leo Horoscope Predictions for 2023. A meshing of the two creates an upright native with a strong desire to accomplish great things professionally. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In addition, ephemeris for 9000 years are available, created with Swiss Ephemeris - the worldwide standard . The influence of . The kinds of results Saturn offers for Leo ascendants generally depend upon their karma. The native works hard to increase his business and gets respect in society. Saturn in the 10th House in Leo Saturn in house 10 in Leo is a placement that can foster a desire for a career in the arts but perhaps in a capacity that is more directorial and curative. He is happy with his wife and enjoys sexual pleasures. The native faces some problems with his sexual organ. The native dislikes his wife and reluctant to incur domestic expenses. But the results will vary according to where the 10th house lord, Venus, is placed in the birth chart and so let's discuss that. Those with a strong influence of Saturn in their chart have a lot of self-control and possess efficient organizational skills. Spouse might be an older person who is averse to love and relationships. The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant is fortunate. They have an eye for quality and potential that allows them to pick smart investments or make a career out of being an appraiser. The tenth house is the house of career in astrology. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Saturn usually delays success until later in life. Why some people don't get married? However, with Saturn here, you dont really enjoy the limelight. The native has some enmity with his wife but he enjoys sexual passions and pleasures. You work your way up to the top slowly, step by step. Know more about Rajesh Bihani). At last he gets a little satisfaction. This area of the chart is symbolic of the authorities in your life; parents, bosses, and leaders. Saturn in tenth house people want others to think of something very high quality when they think of their work. Case 8: If 7th house lord, Saturn, is placed in the 10th house in the sign of Taurus but if the 10th house lord, Venus, is placed in the 9th house in the sign of Aries then this placement I have seen in the birth chart of Sachin Tendulkar, the great Indian cricketer. Saturn in the 10th House in Gemini A 10th house Saturn in Gemini means that communication will be a significant element in the area of career and reputation.