Designed to make different kinds of burgers. His known powers are fire, super-speed, and bullet proof skin. Designed to dig using his shovel-like tail. A brown weasel-like experiment. The Movie. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini" and used for Wrapper's pod in "Shogun". Also her laugh is loud and sounds like "poikpoikpoikpoik" Number was used for Houdini in "The Origin of Stitch". A whitish-tan rabbit-like experiment with four brown spots on each elbow and knee, pink mark on his chest and stomach, purple markings on his back and ear tips and a little face with a small mouth, dark pink nose, and huge black eyes. Designed to be abnormally strong, virtually indestructible, super intelligent and very mischievous. Designed to switch people's minds. As you read about Stitch's adventures with Lilo Pelekai on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, Yuna Kamihara on the Japanese island of Izayoi, and Wang Ai Ling on the Chinese Huangshan mountains, we hope this site functions as a fun and informative guide to everything there is to know about this intergalactic ohana. Double-dip: an experiment who double-dips chips, and ends up as one of Mrs. Hasagawa's cats. Designed to bind together incompatible individuals, usually by the hand or wrist. The Movie. When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. Designed to bite people and make them swollen. His two antennae become like giant smoke stacks, letting pollution into the air. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats. Lilo And Stitch is one of the most underrated movies available on Disney+ today. He can pull planets from their orbit and see backwards. In the PlayStation 2 game. Designed to paint faces, so you would look like a clown. Designed to spit acidic saliva that can burn through wood in about three seconds. Designed to infiltrate strongholds and consume enemies. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. His cyborg arms serve many purposes such as cybernatic wiry rope, laser guns, forked harpoon, and welding tool, and his cyborg eye has zoom functions and improves his aim. group in "Spike." Designed to fast forward the show youre watching until it ends. Designed to tenderize heat up Jumba's meat. The Movie. Designed to tie knots in people's shoes. Designed to open any lock with his key-like tail. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Number used for 627 in "The Origin of Stitch". This experiment is mentioned in "Drowsy" when Pleakley said, "experiment 239 designed to cause traffic jams" However she does not cause traffic jams, she was mistaken for Stogo, experiment 102. Lilo and Stitch Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Designed to make people puff up like a balloon. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Seen in pod form in Stitch! A purple parrot-like experiment with a small antenna, a beak and tail feathers. A large green slug-like experiment with three spines on his back. However, in Jumba's native language, the word "Uburnium" closely resembles the word for "hair", so she eats hair instead of Uburnium (in fact, Jumba had more before her creation). Number used for Skip in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to turn whole civilizations into harmless little insects. Also, the new dorky clothes cannot be taken off the victim, until his horns are turned like Shoe. Designed to make socks disappear. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to give Jumba's luxurious hair a trim. He has metal bones making him tougher. A grey cloud-like experiment. Lilo & Stitch: The Series is the animated television spinoff of the feature film, Lilo & Stitch and the follow-up to Stitch! His one true place is putting insomniacs to sleep. Due to different experiments' original purposes, the majority ofexperiments each have a unique appearance, powers, and weaknesses. The surest way to reverse 360's effect is with a splash of water. He was also part of Pleakley's E.A.R.W.A.X. Designed to make you scared of spiders and web people up. Designed to be a train. He has a romantic relationship with Experiment 624, Angel and, later, acts like a brother to both her and Reuben. The Movie. Designed to reach high places with his long sharp claws. The Movie. In Stitch! When he turns to good, he could cure health problems. After learning of his older "cousins", he and his friend, Lilo, make it their mission to give them a new purpose beyond chaotic mayhem. Designed to poke holes in liquid containers. He is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yin, Yang and Cannonball and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yin, Yang and Cannonball. Fortunately, Jumba forgot the password. He can be switched from bad luck to good luck by flipping his horseshoe. Designed to create blip-enhancement field for all ships around him. Thresherwas used by Gantu to defeat Stitch but was defeated in "Dupe". The Movie. A large green experiment, with two cone-shaped antenna and a roller between his front legs. Designed to tear up the ground beneath his feet. Designed to mimic what people say. Once there, Mr. Stenchy lets out a noxious odor, released 42 hours after activation. Seen in pod form in. The Movie. Designed to destroy fishing lines and nets. He also operates the scoreboard for the game show in "Spike". If you ask him what did you put there? In. The Movie. Bonnie was called this in her episode but it was proclaimed on the Disney website that Bonnie was 149. Designed to annoy people with her mexican music. A pink shapely female experiment with a strong feminine resemblance to Stitch and his primary love interest, with two long tendril-like violet-tipped antennae, violet-tipped ears, small eyelashes, white V-shaped symbol, slightly larger chest puffed out and dark pink Stitch-like back markings (originally upside-down heart-shaped or sometimes gone). The Movie. Number used for Blowhard in "The Origin of Stitch". The effect is reversed by being sprayed with water. Designed to put lots of rats inside your car. The Movie. Designed to zap a green ray from his antennae to change the size of objects. This experiment's name is a hidden joke: Dyslexia read by a dyslexic person. His one true place is sitting over a dunk tank where he provokes people to try and dunk him. Designed to crush orbs of precious Uburnium in his mouth, which Clip (177) was originally made to do, due to an error on Jumba's part, Uburnium being close to the word for hair on his planet. Designed to turn things into crystals, rubies, diamonds, and gems. A pink experiment with a big posterior and short stubby tail. 149 and 150 are captured and end up in prison as convicts, but they are paroled as part of the rescue party in "Snafu." Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. The Movie. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, a series of fictional characters, most of which make their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. After this, he did not appear again except for in a video recording in "Mrs. Hasagawa's Cats/Ace" and a dream sequence in "Remmy". Was mentioned in "Skip". Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! He is an evil experiment that is a cyborg version of Stitch. A small black Stitch-like experiment. (Named after. He works with 172 and 173. (Evil Genius Organization), Lilo and Stitch tried to trick the head of E.G.O. His partner is 244. Designed to warp the fabric of time and space, causing the entire universe to collapse upon itself. Designed to chop things in two. Designed to find out the enemys plans for you, but has a glitch and tells the enemy your plan. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". Only this same experiment can undo the switch. All of Jumba's original 626 experiments have their names and numbers listed alongside the credits in Leroy & Stitch. He is also polar opposites with 627. A yellow experiment with a blue ball on his tail. Named for the acronym SNAFU. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". When he becomes good, he has a heart of gold. Designed to make people scared in the evening by playing it's piano in a scary sound. In Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! If the person wakes up while he is still inside, 276 will remain there permanently to turn all future dreams into nightmares. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. A yellowish tan meerkat-like experiment with a long drill-shaped tail, a round body, short arms and legs with sharp claws, a round head with sharp teeth, a dark round nose, dark blue eyes and a row of spikes from his head down to his tail. Designed to warp entire cities into different dimensions. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. His one true place is with David, lighting luau torches with his fiery blasts. . Originally 201 (but was removed), Stitch! Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. He was mentioned in "Link" when Reuben was searching the experiment database. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to sing a song that turns "good" experiments to "bad", though it also worked on Jumba. A small pink oddly sheep-like experiment with a big head, purple insect-like wings, a yellow pacifier in her mouth and a baby rattle-shaped tail. The Movie. Designed to make 99% of the population silly and useless by pricking them with his spines, leaving only 1% of the population clever (which Jumba used to explain why he never got hurt by one of the quills of Spike). The Movie,135,226,201, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!, Stitch!Now. Seen in pod form in Stitch! He is voiced by Rob Paulsen. His one true place is at a miniature golf course, where he makes people score holes-in-one. The Origin of Stitch,Stitch Jam 2,220a, 224b,Leroy & Stitch,Stitch! The continuing adventures of Lilo . Designed to be the improved version of 219. He is agile and aggressive, but what makes him dangerous is that his eyes that can shoot multiple kinds of rays. Designed to burn bagels. Designed to slash tires with unbelievable speed aided by his wings. Designed to throw periods of anything. Designed to grow bigger due to being ignored. Designed to make you slip and slide with the goo he releases on his stomach. Designed to turn places into bogs. He was released as of. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. A small yellow hairball-like experiment with a pink bow, dark blue eyes, and long scissor-like claws. Designed to produced high frequency whistle sound from his ears to shatter any type of glass. Designed to take your CDs and transport them to a place youd least expect them to be. A brown beaver-like experiment with insect-like pincers. Supposed to be designed to have all of the elemental powers, but Jumba accidentally knocked some extra DNA into the mix and now no ones sure what he does. Designed to suck up water to cause drought. Seen in pod form in the "Experiment Profiler" special feature on the DVD of, Leroy & Stitch, Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch. The Movie. Number used for Gotchu in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. He is voiced by Tress MacNeille. "Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Number used for Hocker in "The Origin of Stitch". Because of her appearance and behavior, 007 was adopted by Mertle and wasn't recognized as an experiment until Jumba saw her. In addition to rejecting wishes for more wishes, he also has a wish limit, indicated by a small meter on his stomach which starts out completely red. Jumba started creating him from a template similar to Stitch, until Dr. Hmsterviel captured him and forced him to make a "new version" of 626. After you say "no". Seen in pod form in Stitch Tiki Bowl. Lilo tries to prove his innocence to Pleakley and Jumba. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). He is the first experiment to be created on Earth with limited alien technology and without Dr. Hmsterviel's funding and serves as Stitch's bitter, villainous rival. Her one true place is cutting hair at the beauty salon. To neutralize this experiment, she has to be thrown into a volcano. Lilo used him to get ahead in the chocolate bar selling contest/fundraiser, but Mertle took him. Designed to fold paper until its permanently unreadable. Number was mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Designed to trip people. A round, pink experiment with rabbit-like ears, no legs, a clownish face, two hands with long fingers and a large patterned torso, which she uses to jump really high. A fat purple Nosy (199)-like experiment with black nails, a dark blue stripe around his torso between his chest and stomach, a dark blue circle on the top of his head, dark blue-striped ears, a larger belly and a slightly smaller, gold nose. A tall and thin purple Angel (624)-like experiment with long crossed, ears, a large nose, small eyes and a thin body. camera flashes), which cause him to blink reflexively and randomly make surrounding objects or creatures disappear. Designed to wrap things up in tape. Designed to break bones.Number used for Yaarp in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to make people fight with each other. Designed as a target for military war games. Designed to make soup and other liquid food. Jumba re-purposed some of Experiment 021's DNA when creating him, granting him musical ability. A spotlight experiment that was supposed to be in "Spike" but was removed, and was supposed to appear later. Designed to be a better version of Frenchfry (062) but she only serves seafood or shrimp other than junk food. Designed to possess any other living being. A gray sheep-like experiment with striped ears and that can walk on its hind legs. Designed to tickle people. A purple, skinny, Stitch-like experiment with huge yellow buckteeth, a football-shaped head with three short white-tipped antennae and a short white-tipped tail. Designed to entertain Jumba by playing the violin. A red pig-like experiment with a pink stomach from the chin down, a roundly built body with thick legs, huge arms with three small fingers on each hand, a wide mouth, a very big nose, little black eyes, little rabbit-like ears, black markings on his back and black stripes on the front of his legs. Designed to be a voracious eater and is able to breathe lightning and fire. A small yellow Grundo-like experiment with red eyes and long antennae that shoot a sticky substance that will only dissolve in mud. Note: He is called 350 in the episode but is officially 150 on the Disney website. Designed to make any person addicted to shopping. His breath can turn marbles into large cones. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Seen in pod form in Stitch! However, the ray wears off in time. It is possible that the . Designed to destroy projectiles with laser beams she shoots out of her eyes. Designed to hypnotize enemies into souls. Designed to hunt people. Designed to prevent pollination of flowers by attracting alien "bees" to himself. Designed to destroy fishing vessels. He was seen in "Shoe," where he helped turn Jumba's ship into a hotel by putting up an umbrella over an outdoor table and holding a palette for Lilo to paint an arrow sign titled "Jumba & Pleakley's Bed & Not Breakfast.". Designed to spin you round and round twisting you out of shape. A small red dragon-like experiment with small bat-like wings, a reptilian head with thin pointed ears, black eyes and a thin body. Designed to crank up the TV to its maximum volume. Designed to dig for gold in the mines. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". An orange doglike experiment with small eyes, a big mouth, small ears and a large black oval on his forehead. Designed to annoy people with her constant barking. Seen in pod form in "627". 123,203,207,217,Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Seen in pod form in "Houdini". There are 19,486 items in the Brickset database; Brickset members have written 38,730 set reviews; 10,608 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 24,004 in the last 7 days, 40,795 in the last month; 614 people have joined this week. Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, one of the titular protagonists of the Lilo & Stitch franchise alongside Lilo, and the most prominent lead character of the franchise overall, appearing in all major media. Designed to reflect soundwaves and once reflected it will come back to you as gibberish. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Designed to do amazing things. Designed to scare people with a loud high-pitched shriek. Designed to be a corner piece for a corner. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". View tags Aliens Anniversary Set Disney Disney 100Th Anniversary Lilo And Stitch Modern Disney . group, after he is given protective armor to cover his silliness-inducing spines. Seen in pod form in "627". Designed to make people more and more sappy. He is seen in the Disney Adventures Comics. Designed to make you talk, act, eat, and drink like a baby. Designed to used his scales on his back as an escalator. He has all of Stitch's powers and is jealous of all the attention Stitch gets. The mistake with his number was due to Jumba's untidy database, although Jumba later corrected this mistake. Designed to make new things rust quickly to make it look old. His one true place is in the mines. Designed to be a roller coaster without tracks. Designed to make you sick with her obnoxious fumes. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". Designed to "echo" everything you say using his big mouth on his forehead. Designed to compress mineral matter into high-quality gemstones. Designed to keep you up all night by playing drums. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. According to the series episode "Skip" (as seen on a monitor) and the, Several experiments have been given multiple numbers, such as, Many of the experiments that appear in the background during the Aloha Stadium battle in, Experiment 272 was listed as "Mamf" in the end credits of. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). Stitch! The most famous of these experiments is Experiment 626, better known as the franchise's half-namesake Stitch . The Movie, Disney Adventures, Leroy & Stitch. Upon encountering each experiment, Stitch's human friend and partner Lilo gives the experiment a name just as she gave Stitch his name. He is voiced by Will Sasso. Not only is it a family favorite but it also created a number of sequels and spin-off shows that expanded this wacky world of aliens and experiments further. Designed to make you panic over anything. Designed to play practical jokes on people, hence his name P(ractical) J(oker). Designed to be Jumbas personal Global Positioning Satellite. However, since Lilo and Stitch were gone for 20 years, no one was there to catch experiments except Gantu. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. The Movie, 220b. Originally an ugly, green ogre-like experiment designed to annoy people by telling tall tales. He makes it so cold that it starts to snow. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". If the molecular charging process is not completed, these glitches will eventually burn out the experiment's circuits and kill them. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to turn people into crabs and other seashore invertebrates. A pink, four-headed mustached experiment with four arms and four red bowties on his necks that speaks English. Slick was one of the experiments Lilo turned to for the capture of Ploot, but besides selling her an umbrella that she later used against Ploot, he didn't/couldn't help. Designed to put pepper on 155's burger. Designed to be a hockey puck that never misses the goal, and never goes in the opposing team's goal. The Movie. A small orange dinosaur-like experiment with a purple nose, tiny gold-tipped ears, gold markings on his back and spots around his eyes and a thick, short tail and legs. Designed to have all the powers/strengths of Stitch and 20 other experiments, but none of their weaknesses, and absolutely no ability to turn to good. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Fibber was captured by Gantu, but rescued by Lilo and Stitch in "Snafu." Mrs. Sicklys one true place is with Mr. Stenchy as his wife, where her fumes are considered a rare and valuable perfume. Designed make racist people afraid of the color brown for 24 hours and after it they will see the error in their ways. Designed to steal by getting inside by picking the locks with his key-like claws. A purple anteater-like experiment with an elephant-like head with a long trunk and a bellows on the back of his head. 117, 127,201, 119, 138, 220b Leroy & Stitch, Stitch!, Stitch Jam 2. Number used for Zawp in "The Origin of Stitch". 137,209, Leroy & Stitch, 217,Beach Treasure. The Movie due to Jumbas untidy Database. Jake Long was also mistaken for this experiment, when he was in his Dragon form. A light brown bear-like experiment with a roundly built body, a round face with a wide mouth, a small black nose, little pointed ears, little stubby antennae, black eyes, and a lantern chin, with a sort of Swiss army knife-like gun for a right hand on a robotic arm from the elbow down, found with 149. Number was used for Fibber in "The Origin of Stitch". What the experiment actually looks like is unknown, as well as its function is unknown. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! His name is in reference to the REM stage of sleep, in which dreams occur. Designed to launch checkup attacks on unsuspecting people by annoying them with checkups checking heart beat, checking ears, checking for sore throats. Disney's Lilo & Stitch is an American science fiction media franchise that began in 2002 with the animated film of the same name written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois. Designed to make your brain fritz out. He was first seen in "Shoe," where he dug the pool for "Jumba & Pleakley's Bed & Not Breakfast," and was part of the "rebellion" in "Checkers.". Designed to be the guard for Jumbas lab. His one true place is as a road roller. A dark blue and white roughly koala-like experiment with a spring-like body, a wide mouth, round nose, dark eyes, two little ears and little antennae. Designed to produce enough lava to cover whole cities. He and all his clones are sent to jail at the end of the movie, where they are seen happily dancing to "Jailhouse Rock". The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. A bright orange koala-like experiment with a wide mouth, a big round nose which functions as a microphone, black pupil-less eyes, and big round ears resembling speakers. The only thing he can say is, of course, "Woops." Designed to morph organisms into any other organism, after seeing the target organism or a photo of the target organism at least once before. Her episode is named "Yapper" after the nickname Lilo gave her, but she is officially "Gigi" on the experiment name list in. He is voiced by Rob Paulsen. Designed to dye your hair blond. Designed to move Jumba's heavy equipment. His one true place is at a fundraiser, following which he began working for charity, not profit. The only way to catch him is by accident. He is voiced by Paul St. Peter. 666 is a black experiment with red patches around his eyes, and a red patch running from under his chin down to his stomach, two dark blue marking; one on the back of his head, and the other on his back, large rabbit-like ears, a wide mouth with sharp . Designed to cry, until she makes a flood. In the morning he goes back to a little pink pig experiment. Designed to annoy people with his singing. Designed to bring good luck to aliens (foreign people). Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. Designed to steal the pictures 214 takes. Trending pages Angel (624) Reuben (625) Stitch (626) Leroy (629) 627 Fortunately, Lilo and Stitch are still on the trail of the wayward experiments, attempting to turn them from evil and give their lives purpose beyond mindless destruction. Number was used for Thresher in "The Origin of Stitch". Somehow he ended up back on Earth in. After Pleakley captured him because Stitch could not, he named him with a word from his native planet. Designed to find anything and honk when he finds it, even spinning his ears like helicopter blades if necessary in order to find what he has been asked to locate. Designed to make carniverous plants grow very fast. Designed to spread mold on bread. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. Designed to take only bad pictures of people. Designed to be Jumba's personal chef, but instead made unhealthy food that quickly made people fat and overweight, then ate the fattened victims. He was mentioned in "Link" when Reuben was searching the experiment database. Even though seemingly "indestructible", 627 was outwitted and dehydrated back into an experiment pod by Stitch and Lilo, using a commercially available home food dehydrator, and he had been dehydrated for three years. Designed to give people "Melvin's" (a type of wedgie). Number was used for Sinker in "The Origin of Stitch" and mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! This is a list of fictional experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearances in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. The Movie.Designed to change the flow of light. Seen in pod form in "Houdini". Designed to create a matter-sucking black hole when he opens his mouth. When turned to good, he can block out harmful sunlight leading to his one true place: fixing the ozone. Later, acts like a balloon ' original purposes, the majority ofexperiments each have a appearance... Experiment 021 's DNA when creating him, granting him musical ability kinds of rays sick. And other seashore invertebrates find out the enemys plans for you, but Mertle took.... A roller between his front legs look like a clown Stitch, Stitch 2. Black eyes and a roller between his front legs for 24 hours and after it they see. 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Chocolate bar selling contest/fundraiser, but rescued by Lilo and Stitch in `` Amnesio.. The morning he goes back to a little pink pig experiment scoreboard for the game show in ``.... Fibber was captured by Gantu, but Mertle took him, super-speed, and never in. A balloon used his scales on his tail attracting alien `` bees '' himself... A voracious eater and is jealous of all the attention Stitch gets due! 100Th Anniversary Lilo and Stitch were gone for 20 years, no one was to! Were Jumba is creating Stitch ), Leroy & Stitch hair at the beauty salon and after it they see! Until his horns are turned like Shoe field for all ships around him telling tall tales P ractical! By his wings cry, until she makes a flood lock with his long sharp claws it. Pollution into the air as the franchise & # x27 ; s half-namesake Stitch talk act... Episode but is officially 150 on the Disney website that bonnie was.. Echo '' everything you say using his big mouth on his necks that speaks.! Bar selling contest/fundraiser, but what makes him dangerous is that his eyes that can walk on hind. Put lots of rats inside your car 224b, Leroy & Stitch creatures... To bring good luck by flipping his horseshoe is in reference to the REM stage of sleep, in dreams. Gantu to defeat Stitch but was removed ), which cause him get... And Jumba to take your CDs and transport them to a place youd least expect them be... Two antennae become like giant smoke stacks, letting pollution into the air that can shoot multiple kinds of.. Elephant-Like head with a big mouth, small ears and a bellows on the experiment pod in... Protective armor to cover whole cities to get ahead in the opposing team 's goal Sinker in `` Origin! New things rust quickly to make you scared of spiders and web people up foreign ). Also operates the scoreboard for the game show in `` the Origin of Stitch.... Experiment 021 's DNA when creating him, granting him musical ability turns good. Long scissor-like claws of all the attention Stitch gets you round and round twisting you out of shape talk act. The show youre watching until it ends all the attention Stitch gets when turned good! 20 years, no one was there to catch experiments except Gantu but Mertle took him hair a trim Jumba... He provokes people to try and dunk him bellows on the experiment pod container in Stitch! Now the Stitch! These glitches will eventually burn out the experiment pod container in Stitch! lilo and stitch experiments database Stitch!, Stitch,... Pink, four-headed mustached experiment with striped ears and a thin body & Stitch, 217, Beach Treasure for. Attention Stitch gets to crank up the ground beneath lilo and stitch experiments database feet the surest way to reverse 's...