The bulk of the research on this subject centers around the water quality in and near St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Environmental Issues. But development is being proposed in more and more areas of the state. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation said its focus is on ensuring that operators maintain pipeline integrity by adhering to state-mandated inspections that follow industry safety . Current Environmental Issues. Last Frontier vs. last wilderness 2. U.S. views on oil and gas production as Alaska refuge ... Below is a list of ballot measures relating to environmental issues in Alaska. Sustainable tourism encourages travelers to consider the social, environmental, and economic effects of their vacation choices. Nothing in the Alaska environment is changing faster than sea ice. 1. All 7 key types of pollution - air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light and thermal - are affecting our environment. OR&R Scientific Support Coordinator Catherine Berg. coastal communities rely on the environment to feed their families. Current Issues - United Fishermen of Alaska Newtok is legally a dry town, but alcoholism and drug . Emerging public health issues in Alaska: occupational and ... The Water Memo instructs operators and permittees to continue to operate in . What Are the Top 5 Environmental Concerns for 2019 ... We also provides technical assistance to various Service programs, other agencies and the public. Environmental Issues In Alaska - 590 Words | Cram R.P. Share. Environmental Program. Environmental Policy Issues in Alaska "Resources, Institutions, and the Owner State" Steve Colt Institute of Social and Economic Research University of Alaska Anchorage 21 Aug 2006. Alaska Forum on the Environment 2020. Environmental - Tlingit & Haida Alaska--Environmental Issues Department of Transportation & Public Facilities PO Box 112500 (mailing) 3132 Channel Drive Juneau, Alaska 99811-2500 Native Americans Face Environmental Threats from Alaska to ... Since the 1970s, springtime in the state has heated up by around 2.2C (4F), double the global . Alaska State Ownership of Federal Land Initiative, Measure 5 (1982) Alaska Homesteading of Vacant State Land, Proposition 4 (1978) Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority Initiative, Measure 3 (2002) Alaska Natural Gas Tax Initiative, Measure 2 (2006) Series: American Political, Economic, and Security Issues BISAC: SOC053000. One of CLIA Alaska's goals is to keep the public updated about issues that affect the Alaska cruise industry and its economic impact on the state. Turn this knowledge into action and successful implementation of projects and advocacy, improving the effectiveness and desirability of Tribal involvement in research and government policy. Alaska has just experienced its warmest spring on record, breaking a record only set in 2016. Beachgoers may notice an increase in debris, but are encouraged to continue to visit Alaska's beaches and help keep them clean. well worth the environmental risks because of the minimal damage it does, and it is the most realistic, convenient, and sustainable way to transport oil out of Northern Alaska . U.S. Navy officials doing the groundwork on future military war games in the Gulf of Alaska are being challenged by several conservation entities who contend the Navy should prepare a revised draft supplemental environmental impact statement. Nothing in the Alaska environment is changing faster than sea ice. The first environmental issue affecting North America is soil pollution. Environmental Crimes Unit. The Alaska Wilderness Recreation & Tourism Association (AWRTA) is a members-driven trade association formed to be a collective voice for wilderness-dependent businesses. Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation. installations in Alaska and identified a preferred site and alternative site out of six potential sites within CAFS (DoD 2016a). Mathis et al., concluded that Alaska fisheries are extremely vulnerable to the effects from OA in the region's four seas that ring Alaska--the Chukchi, Beaufort, Bering, and Gulf of Alaska (See Appendix A, Image 1) (Mathis et al., 2014). The plain . ; July 25, 2019. The ground under a home in Shishmaref, Alaska collapses from erosion. The environment has an enormous impact on the Alaskan identity, economy, and political landscape. Abnormal temperatures and extreme weather are largely due to human activity, such as the emission of greenhouse gases . "Environmental ethics" may sound like a chance to eat chia seeds while wearing Birkenstocks, talking about your favorite tree (there certainly is a bit of hippy tree hugger in the soul of any environmental ethicists), but it is, in fact, an academic field of study that investigates the normative dimensions of environmental problems and problem-solving. The price paid for this landmass was USD 7.2 million. FEBRUARY 17, 2020 — The Alaska Forum on the Environment (AFE) was held this week in Anchorage, Alaska, offering six keynote events, over 100 presentations, panel discussions, special events and workshops. Thirty one paragraphs into a long but very readable story, Nicosia throws this out there: "More than a third of Newtok residents live below the federal poverty line, according to 2010 census data — although the number is likely higher now, officials said. Issues arising from the management, conservation and preservation of the state's natural resources are often the subject of much debate- not only in Alaska. Prohibit fossil fuel leasing on federal lands and waters, including the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), ANWR, NPRA; encourage/subsidize alternative energy leasing, wind, tidal, solar, geothermal, etc. The Native Lands & Resources (NLR) department continues to contribute to the capacity growth within Alaska tribes and provides a wide variety of services to assist tribes as they address local and regional environmental issues with Environmental Protection . Crowley Fuels of Alaska has agreed to pay a little over $1.3 million in penalties after the Environmental Protection Agency said the company violated national environmental standards and failed to report data for five years for several locations in Alaska. Get by Email • RSS. By Elwood Brehmer, Alaska Journal of Commerce Updated: 19 minutes ago Published: 28 minutes ago Workers with Signco Quality Signs worked 200 feet in the . Climate change is one of the biggest environmental issues currently plaguing the United States. Our ecological assessment and related products will give numerous stakeholder groups the tools needed to inform coastal managers of issues affecting Kachemak Bay and similar areas along Alex Whiting. 2. Multiple jurisdictions problem Image credit: NOAA. View the sample Application. Changes in other areas of Alaska Alaska's Changing Environment 2019 Documenting Alaska's physical and biological changes through observations Alaska has recently experienced profound environmental change related to extreme weather events and deviations from the historical climate. It is flanked by Canada, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and Russia, further west across the Bering Strait. Issues and Trends in Alaska Environmental Health Resources in Alaska The Alaska Department of Environmental Conserva-tion (DEC) protects Alaska's air and water quality, monitors oil and hazardous substances, oversees solid waste management, enforces environmental laws, and educates industry and the public about environmental issues and hazards. Last week, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ("ADEC") issued two No Action Assurance Memorandums, one from the Division of Water ("Water Memo") and one from the Division of Air Quality ("Air Memo"), to respond to and address concerns over permit non-compliance caused by COVID-19. Alaska's rapidly changing climate profoundly impacts the state's ecosystems and fire regimes. Protection of the environment is an important issue at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC). Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at twice the average rate globally. It's a member of the Alaska Rainforest Campaign. Alaska Natives settled land claim disputes with the United States government uniquely, opting for the creation of Alaska Native owned, Regional (and subsequently Village and Group) Corporations (ANCs), rather than reservations. Warming Alaska Warming is more pronounced at higher latitudes. The decision caps decades of efforts by oil and gas companies and some Alaska leaders to allow drilling in the wilderness area, even as environmental activists warn that allowing it could . In Newtok, a village about 400 Yupik people call home in southwestern Alaska, the story bears a lot of resemblance to Utqiagvik's, even though almost 750 miles separate the two towns. The presence of honey buckets, permafrost landfills, remote access, and extreme winter conditions are examples of issues that make rural Alaska unique from other parts of the United States. National Resource Defense Council This conservationist group offers charts and graphs that predict how much, or little, oil the ANWR would provide. There are frequent articles concerning the ANWR debate as well as a roundup of relevant news from other sources. Let's take a glance at the 15 environmental issues of the US today. Hilcorp grants each employee a $25,000 philanthropic account for giving to a cause of their choice. Promoting conservation and sustainable resource stewardship since 1971. Start exploring Alaska! The U.S. Side-Event was not organized as part of the EJ Webinar Series for Tribes and Indigenous Peoples, since it was part of an official U.S. Government activity for the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, but is included in the this list due to its relevance to environmental justice for tribes and indigenous peoples. The Northern Alaska Environmental Center is the only Alaska-based conservation organization dedicated to protecting the land, waters and wildlife of Interior and Arctic Alaska for current and future generations to use and enjoy. By selecting a partner link you agree to share your data with these sites. The Flush Tank and Haul System has been developed consistent with the our philosophy: to be environmentally friendly while keeping operating and maintenance costs as low and simple as possible. Professional photographer based in Anchorage, Alaska. Kachemak Bay, a microcosm representing all of the estuarine and coastal habitats found in the Gulf of Alaska, has shown signs of reduced environmental integrity in recent years. From Bullfrog Films, the leading source of DVDs & videos about the environment, ecology, sustainable development, globalization, indigenous peoples, cultural diversity, and performing arts, music and dance. Alaska Resource Issues. The Environmental program provides training activities, educational assistance, and coordination of statewide projects. Emerging public health issues in Alaska: occupational and environmental health. 4. 2 0. A relatively hasty completion of the land claim settlement was . Environmental. NWS issues 'Red Flag' warning for Juneau, surrounding area. Alaska's fishing industry currently . Soil pollution is a serious environmental issue in many American states today. Alaska Natives. During these times, extreme caution is urged by all residents, because a simple spark could create a . polar bears are caught in a changing world. This manual has been produced in order to address these unique environmental issues using a Thomas Lewis (Editor). MDA and the Department of the Air Force (DAF) prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA), dated June 2016, to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of the LRDR at CAFS. All types of pollution, and environmental concerns, are interlinked and influence . Climate Change. About Us: Environmental Issues - Thinking Green . [3] Alaska Native peoples depend economically, nutritionally . Image database searchable online, fine art prints, posters, cards, custom printing and design, workshops and tours. The Navy . Environmental News Network ENN covers environmental news 24 hours a day. Alaska has just experienced its warmest spring on record, breaking a record only set in 2016. For undergraduates interested in conservation and environmental issues. Tweet. Sustained warmth, sea ice loss, coastal flooding, river flooding, and major ecosystem changes have impacted the . Earlier snow melt, later winters, higher temperatures, more frequent lightning strikes, and changing vegetation are altering Alaska's fire environment. Cars reservation This indicates a link to an external site that may not follow the same accessibility or privacy policies as Alaska Airlines. These health impacts are issues of both environmental and reproductive justice.Objectives: In this commentary, we review five indigenous communities in various stages of environmental health research and discuss the intersection of . On top of it all, Alaska is on the front lines of climate change, warming twice as fast as the rest of the country. Roadless Area Conservation; National Forest System Lands in Alaska (December 16, 2019) NEW West Coast Salmon Vulnerable to Climate Change, but Some Show Resilience to Shifting Environment. Share. ELDF is an independent environmental law firm representing citizens and conservation groups in public interest environmental issues. These dramatic changes in sea ice are impacting the lives of Alaskans across the state. Environmental Issues. In our world this is Thinking Green.. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has primary responsibility for the enforcement of laws governing the protection of water, land and air quality. At over half a million square miles, Alaska's vast area holds an enormous quantity of natural resources. Email. There are many things that cause global warming. Scott Habberstad with ATIA's Sarah Leonard. Resolution 2011-4 UFA supports lake nutrient enrichment as a salmon rehabilitation and enhancement method in Alaska (October 26, 2011) Resolution 2010-2 Support for Alaska's Salmon Hatchery Program (September 30, 2010) Return to top. Stock and fine art photographs of the American landscape: scenic nature plus people, wildlife, industry, travel, still life, lifestyles, and environmental issues within the landscape. 18 U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ARCTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY COLLEGE, ALASKA Associate Laboratory of National Environmental Research Laboratory Corvallis, Oregon Office of Research and Monitoring March 1973 is currently an applicant in a suit against the Ministry of the Environment, the Attorney General of Ontario, and Suncor Energy Products in Sarnia, Alaska Environmental Issues News Monitoring. These issues are not listed in any particular order. Alaska reports second consecutive day of over 1,000 new COVID-19 cases. 1. Pollution is one of the primary causes of many of the other environmental concerns, including climate change and biodiversity. October 5, 2017; In These Times. Environmental Issues.docx - Environmental Issues 1 Environmental Issues DustinGoodwin Instructor:JodiFeikema June25,2017 Environmental Issues 2 Alaska Steve Dubb October 9, 2017. The web site includes success stories, information on grant resources and technical assistance programs, and links to Alaska Native Health . Close. We assessed Pacific salmon's vulnerability to changing climate and ocean conditions to better understand these changes and their impact on different population groups of Pacific salmon. Environment. Contaminated Soil. Current issues. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Teck Alaska Inc., Usibelli Coal Mine Inc., Aurora Energy Services LLC, the Alaska Railroad Corp., and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. The mining industry here in Alaska and across the border in Canada willfully ignores environmental regulations and tries to extract more and more minerals from the earth's near-critical salmon-producing watersheds. Chemical contaminants can enter our environment from . Image credit: The Alaska Conservation Foundation (2010) Exit Alaska is home to 229 federally recognized tribes that are already experiencing the impacts of climate change in their everyday lives. Its current caseload covers a wide range of environmental issues from Clean Water Act enforcement to wildlife protection. At a business level, sustainable tourism encourages providers to reduce energy, food, or material waste; engage local or indigenous communities in their business operations; or source materials from other locally owned businesses. traditions (Mathis et al., 2014). (907) 442-3467 ext. Over the last ten years ANC has embarked on an aggressive environmental program with an emphasis on preventing pollution at the source through employee and tenant education and training. To this end, companies in a variety of fields—from gas stations to energy companies to cruise lines to military bases to air cargo companies and more—hire HSE (health, safety, and environment) specialists or environmental services companies to keep their facilities clean. environmental issues. But the easiest way to solve this problem is to switch to alternative energies to get rid of most of the human made global warming. Alaska, in the United States of America, is the largest state area-wise, and also the least populated. 203. In Newtok, a village about 400 Yupik people call home in southwestern Alaska, the story bears a lot of resemblance to Utqiagvik's, even though almost 750 miles separate the two towns. Balton spoke about some of the biggest hot-button environmental issues facing Alaska, including the effect of black carbon emissions and rising ocean acidity. AWRTA members abide by the voluntary . Over the past 50 years Alaska's annual average temperature has increased at more than twice the rate of the rest of the United States' average, and here in Southeast Alaska winters are 5 degrees warmer. By James St. John , via Wikimedia Commons. Here is a preliminary list of some Alaska environmental issues for consideration by the Biden transition teams and administration: 1. (907) 442-5303 direct. Two scientific expeditions to Alaska, 100 years apart, give us an unparalleled view of environmental damage and the change in society's attitudes. In an article by Kevin Gullufsen, the newspaper reported that four Holland America Line (HAL) cruise ships, two Princess Cruises ships, and one cruise ship operated by Norwegian Cruise Line . Background: Indigenous American communities face disproportionate health burdens and environmental health risks compared with the average North American population. Alaska Native Land Claims & Tribal Sovereignty Issues. Recent proposals that would affect rural environments have again fallen under the radar as other political issues are amplified, but, . They advocate for the sustainability of Alaska's natural and cultural resources, responsible tourism and tourism planning for communities. The FTH system is installed totally above ground. (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Press Release - 11/30/2015) Information on Japan Tsunami Debris : Experts believe it is highly unlikely any of debris is radioactive. Small Is Beautiful. Public health: The Department provides legal advice to DEC's Division of Environmental Health on public health issues, such as food safety, animal health, and pesticides. The Trump administration has finalized plans to open the 19-million-acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil and gas drilling for the first time. Hotels reservation This indicates a link to an external site that may not follow the same accessibility or privacy policies as Alaska Airlines. 8. These dramatic changes in sea ice are impacting the lives of Alaskans across the state. Pollution. Examples include: No Digging - Low Cost. Alaska Med. The authors begin this collection by linking human and ecological systems research to analyze resource management decisions for Alaska's first submerged aquatic invasive plant, Elodea spp.. The Yupik and Inuit are two Alaska Native tribes that have suffered health problems due to rising levels of environmental pollutants, specifically polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Remote location and lack of infrastructure have left many of these resources undeveloped. Weiss LD, Booker JM, Wigglesworth D. The principal purpose of this article is to examine selected Alaskan occupational and environmental health problems and associated issues. Environmental Problems Some of the biggest environmental issues is global warming, oil spills, and building of roads. Before production was started in the early 1970s, a team of scientists traveled to Alaska to document the probable effects of the pipeline on the environment. View the Application Rating Form. Environment. View hotel, car, and ride reservations. It was purchased from Russia on March 30, 1867. les populations côtières comptent sur l'environnement pour nourrir leurs familles. Alaska environmental issues ️ . . Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - A Red Flag Warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for weather events which may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. Epidemiological studies and toxicological risk assessments are used to evaluate human exposures to hazardous substances and potential health risks. We're working in Alaska to do just that. It is more important now than ever to educate ourselves on these issues, starting with the eight found below. Since the 1970s, springtime in the state has heated up by around 2.2C (4F), double the global . Alaska's biggest problems. For Native Americans and Alaska Natives pursuing health-related careers. Glacier Bay is expected to become warmer and drier over the next century. Native Americans Face Environmental Threats from Alaska to New Mexico. The Rural Alaska Sanitation Coalition is a statewide coalition committed to improving environmental health conditions in Alaska villages, focusing especially on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management. les ours polaires sont pris dans un monde en transformation. 1989 May-Jun;31(3):97-102. The Bureau of Land Management released its final environmental impact statement for oil and gas leasing on about 2,500 square miles of coastal plain in northeastern Alaska on Sept. 12. History - our 4 resource booms - fish, gold, WW2, oil 1. Return to this page to stay up-to-date on CLIA Alaska initiatives and developments. Environmental Issues In Alaska. Environmental Issues Posed Anew as Navy Prepares for Future War Games in Gulf of Alaska. 3. Published on Dec 21, 2021. Homeland security: Legal advice is provided to various state officials regarding efforts to improve security of critical facilities, such as the Trans Alaska Pipeline and . Feds accuse Alaska seafood transporters of 'secret scheme' to evade the Jones Act using 100-foot rail line . The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) issued air quality violations to eight cruise ships and water quality violations to nine cruise ships last week, according to the Juneau Empire.. Alaska's Changing Environment affirms, "Nothing in the Alaska environment is changing faster than sea ice." Today, typical summer ice extent on the Chukchi Sea is only 10% of what is was in the early 1980s, and the Beaufort Sea ice-over usually occurs two to three weeks later in the fall than in past decades. Our mission is to conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. The Environmental Contaminants Program protects, improves and restores the quality of fish, wildlife and habitat resources in Alaska through the identification, prevention and resolution of environmental contaminant problems. Normally these laws are enforced by the regulatory staff through administrative or civil remedies.
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